Road Trip 2010 – Colorado


Oklahoma Rest Stop

From Mississippi, we drove right through Arkansas and stayed one night in Oklahoma City.  I am sad to say that the only thing I remember about Arkansas was the amount of squashed armadillos on the highway.  Asked Paul to help a girl out but he had nothing to add.  And Oklahoma City in August was simply too hot.  We wandered a bit, had a bite, melted.  On the way back to the nondiscript chain hotel, we came across a small wedding party.  And here is my favorite memory of Oklahoma…

An Oklahoma Wedding

If I were getting married that day in OK, I would have done the exact same thing.  My least favorite memory of Oklahoma?  Worst huevos rancheros ever in a restaurant in a town with no people on it’s streets…or in it’s shops…or restaurants.  That should have been our cue to drive straight through.

Um...Where is everyone?

I know I am not being very fair to Arkansas and Oklahoma…I know if we had stayed longer things would have been different.  And when I say different, I mean better.  if you have a fun memory of either place you would like to share, that would be great.

And now.  The state we took to the road for in the first place.  Colorado.  Where Paul and I met.  Where Mountain Girl Organics was born.  Where most of our friends are.  Ahh, it’s good to be back in the ‘hood! And since every picture tells a story, and since I’m hoping for some rapport via your comments…here goes.

How Sadie rolls on Bear Mountain

Dakota Blonde with Ernie Martinez at The Comfort Cafe in Denver

Meeting Em at my old stomping grounds, the Bergen Park Farmers' Market

Em, Sadie and I, showing off our new pedis

Looks like Aussie Ken's been shopping again

Jodee, John E, Tom C, and Me at Rio Del Sol

Paul (always a hit with the ladies) and Casey at Rio

Robb & Mary, this one's for you ; )

Michele's shop, Bella Vita, in Kittredge, CO

One more of Bella Vita. Cause I love it.

Billy's Pub

Paul has help blowing out his belated Birthday candle

Hanging out at the old digs

Bear Mountain Barn

Latest addition to Bear Mountain - Wyatt

Oliver, playing "pull my finger" with Paul. Scary.

Yay for babies! Congrats, Jon and Lee!

My current favorite Colorado church sign

Evergreen Lake, pre-concert

Sadie, Barre and Tom at the Lake

Jakarta at Evergreen Lake

John E & the Ladies (aka Jen, Kit, and Kathleen)

BYOK (Bring Your Own Keg) Night with Ken

In case you were wondering where the spots on my lens came from ; )

Denise, hitchin' a ride

Until next time, Evergreen!

Stay tuned for Santa Fe, Kansas, Missouri, and Ohio!  Oh, and the contest is still on – you have between now and tomorrow night (Sunday, 10/10/10 at 10:10pm) to leave a comment on any Caretaking Couple blog post!  XOX, V&P

Random Thoughts (& More NYC Highlights) with Caretaking Couple…



Paul is listening to the cricket match (Derbyshire v Gloucestershire) while I read my favorite blogs.  On Sundays, I also like to read the paper (typically the New York Times) in my PJ’s, catch up on correspondence, and maybe watch a movie with Paul and Milo,  my two main squeezes.       

Unless it is really nice out – then we are typically in the garden or on a road trip.  What do you like to do on Sundays?  If you work Sundays (which I have done most of my adult life up until now), what do you do on your “Day of Rest”?  Please tell me you have one.  

I imagine you enjoy blogs (seeing as how you are reading this one).  There is a blog that I discovered a couple of months ago and absolutely love.   I love it so much that I have decided to add it to my INSPIRATION links to the right of this post.        

The blog is and there just happens to be a giveaway going on this weekend…so be sure to stop by and see for yourself how very wonderful said blog is.   And enter to win something practical and pretty!     

Next week, I am heading to Cambridge to hang out with Cosmo (see adorable pic below).  We bonded a couple of weekends ago and I am  especially looking forward to hanging out with her at the local dog park…and wandering around Harvard Square.        

I'm very sweet and would sure love a treat...

The homeowners here on the Bay will most likely be around in May which means that Paul will be joining me for at least part of the time – FUN!  I know he will love Cambridge.   Have you been to Cambridge?  If so, let us know your favorite spot(s)…I will post pics : )        

Speaking of pics, I am a bit behind on some stuff.  It has been a great spring so far!  We were able to spend another weekend in NYC – here are some highlights…       

Dakota Blonde in NYC!

Our friend Mary has the voice of an angel.  She is angelic all around, come to think of it.  If you aren’t familiar with this Colorado band, please find out more about them at       

We love this band and were so excited to see Dakota Blonde at their first official NYC gig at the Metropolitan Room!  Mary, is the compilation CD out yet?!?        

Casey & Paul in the Big Apple!

 We also got to catch up with our sweet friend Casey, who just happened to be visiting friends in NYC that weekend.  Love you, Casey!        

Noah, Alexis, and Sarah

Even got to meet some of Caseys besties while we were there.  BTW, Noah and Alexis are newlyweds.  Congrats, you two! 

Paul and Carolyn

Here you see Paul and Carolyn, pondering our next adventure…Baba Ghanoush at Shalel – YUM!

We packed a lot into that weekend – above are just some of the highlights.  What was that?  You want to see just a little more?  Well, OK.  If you insist. 

How about I tell you a bit more about Carolyn.  Actually, I will show you.  Carolyn does stuff like this…     


She goes out for the paper or whatever and comes back with cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery.  Hostess/Mostess! 

Her sister is equally wonderful – it just happens that she had a cold that weekend so we didn’t get to see her much.  Next time, Amy!  And thanks, Andy for joining us – it was so fun getting to know you better!     

Ah, Idlewild...

We found a new bookstore to add to our “favorites”.  There were Italian language lessons being taught in the back room.  It boasted a nice vibe all around and I found lots of travel books there that I had never heard of.   Books by writers about other (travel) writers, even.  Simply. Fun.      

FISHS EDDY - Union Square

This one’s for you, Rach.  And Em.  And me.  Double handled polka dotted mugs.  That is, indeed, what I am talking about.   OK, just one more FISHS EDDY pic…    


Laura, this one is for you.  And me.  This is what my kitchen would look like if I actually had one.  I try to travel light (like a good vagabond) but I do have a distinct weakness for dishware…     

Be the change that you want to see in the world - Ghandi

 Found this statue of Ghandi just outside the farmers’ market in Union Square…have I mentioned how much I love New York City?       

OK, I guess I have shared enough for one Sunday.  Please share your Sunday with us.  And if you have been to Cambridge we would love to know about your favorite haunts.   The same goes for NYC.  And the Cape.  You know we love hearing from you…      

Valentine’s Day Thoughts and Recollections


It is almost the big Heart Day and I have a few things to say about it and am hoping you do too.  I know a lot of us are disgruntled with consumerism run amuk and that Valentine’s Day is now seen by many as just another ploy from the greeting card/floral industries to guilt us into spending too much. This got me to thinking and recollecting…mostly recollecting.

What I am thinking is this; most of us are pretty happy when someone they care about (or even a stranger, for that matter) goes out of their way to be thoughtful.  And, for most of us, the thoughtfulness does not require mass amounts of stuff (I said most of us).  I very much hope we all have touching Valentine’s Day stories that back up my theory.  Here are a few of mine.

When I was in fourth or maybe fifth grade my mom wrote all of my fellow students’ names on their Valentine’s cards in Calligraphy.  Lots of these kids kept these Valentines in their desk long after the big day because they felt special every time they saw their name all pretty-like on those cheap little see-through white envelopes.  Thank you for doing that, mom.

A decade or so later, my then boyfriend Tom wanted to give me a Valentine but had little money.  He handed me a single red rose with a ribbon attached.  Tied to the ribbon was an abalone shell ring.  Tom died last year at forty years old and even though we had fallen out of touch I will always treasure that ring and how special he made me feel that day.

My friend Mary loves hearts and so do I.  A couple of years ago my friend Laurie helped me make heart soaps in honor of Mary for Dakota Blonde’s Annual Valentine Show raffle.  Last year, during the concert, Mary surprised me with three beautiful black and white photos of the band, one in a sweet antiquey silver frame.  Warm Fuzzies.

As for the pot pie you see pictured above, this was not a Valentine – but the bonus red pepper heart brought much happiness that day and this photo pretty much sums up what I am getting at.  I was a very happy woman…all for under five bucks (can’t remember – may have even gotten an employee discount on it).

And now, for my favorite Valentine’s Day story…Paul and I had our first date on Feb 12th, 2006.  We had such a nice time that we decided to meet again the next night.  Instead, I ended up in the ER (car accident) and don’t remember that Valentine’s Day at all (pain meds) but I do remember him picking me up at the hospital and taking me back to his house and nursing me back to health for the next several days.  He has been my Valentine ever since : )

I am pretty sure I don’t need to tell you this…but it would be great to hear some of your very own Valentine’s stories : )  Just click the comment link above and type away.

PS I have nothing against cards and flowers.  I love them both.  I just think we could all use a little reminding that there are lots and lots of (inexpensive) ways to love and be loved.  Here’s wishing us all extra X’s and O’s this Valentines Day!