A Journey Into Enlightenment (Part II)


Here we are in Tennessee, on our third official sit as a couple (and my fiftieth or so as an individual).  It has been a whirlwind of a fall and we are both looking forward to hunkering down for the winter up on Signal Mountain.

Now that I am finally and fully embracing the wonders of blogging and social media in general, I find that I can be more distracted than ever if I am not careful.  In the past I have had specific job duties, like mixing drinks or selling soaps or entering data…now I am mainly accountable to…me.  Yikes. 

Time to retrain my brain.  Time to walk down a different street!  If I want to make a living online, I need to be super organized and results-driven.  I need goals, and I need to accomplish them.  I can’t simply wait for someone else to tell me what to do, whether it be work related or otherwise.

So, each month I am going to hold myself accountable to not just me, but to all of you as well.  Each month I am going to post a goal (or four).  I know we are almost halfway into November, but I have been working hard on the following and feel the need share now, so here goes:

November Goals:

Blogsville: I am currently working with Lisa Sabin-Wilson (author of WordPress for Dummies) on this blog.  It is being completely restructured in order to be more user friendly and interactive.  You will see the new look this month (can’t wait to show you)!

Other Social Media: You can now find either myself or Caretaking Couple on twitter and Linked In as well as facebook.  I am not sure if I will be adding to or subtracting from this list – I am just going to have fun with each and see where my time is best spent.   Do you have a favorite?  If so, please share.

My Writing: Most of you know that I am taking writing classes and working on a book.  I have eight chapters outlined and three written.  I will finish Chapter Four by the end of the month. How many rough drafts does one woman need to write, anyway?

Health and Fitness:  I am looking into becoming a Beachbody Coach.  There is still a bit of research to do with regards to this.  I am considering Beachbody because I have seen the results in people who are consistent with it, and it is something I can do from anywhere in the US.  And it will hold me accountable!

The goals above are more challenging than I thought they would be but there is nothing else I would rather be doing right now.  Except for maybe going for a bike ride and getting to know the new neighborhood…another benefit of working from “home”.

Thank you for reading this, our 100th blog post here at Caretaking Couple!  As always, I would love to hear from you.  Enlighten me ; ) Just leave a comment on any of my 100 posts between now and December 1 and I will enter your name into a drawing for a special CC gift from Tennessee!

A “Weighty” Subject


Starting Somewhere


I have come to believe that writing down one’s goals (or drawing them, photographing them, collaging them or whatever feels right) actually works for me.  

* If you haven’t tried this, please humor me and try it and let me know if you find it works for you.  If you have tried it, and it has worked for you, please let me know I am not alone here. * 

So, lately I am really doing my best to focus (2010 mantra) on my goals and was recently reminded of the effectiveness of writing them down by my new “friend”, Chalene Johnson.  

Let’s start with the picture.  I officially began my Beachbody workouts on February 1st (a little over three weeks ago) as fitness was number two on my 2010 Goal List (not very original, but that is OK).  

This is me opening my box of ChaLEAN Extreme workout videos, bands, guidebook, food guide, etc.  As you can see by my look, I had a few doubts and fears  mixed in with the relief of actually admitting I had a problem (or several) and actually deciding to do something about it (them). 

Chalene Johnson is “an entrepreneur, TV fitness personality, clothing designer, author, motivational speaker, choreographer, wife, mother of 2 and relatable girl next door”.   In other words, the woman is an inspiration.  

I “met” Chalene through my friends Bill and Lisa (who are very fit and fun people) when they suggested Beachbody to me after I mentioned my desire for a healthier lifestyle.  

A year (or two, ahem) later I decided to go for it – I joined Beachbody and purchased my first workout program (see above). 

I am not one to follow the latest fad.  I just woke up one day, feeling extra sluggish and uncomfortable in all of my jeans.  Even my overalls.  Scary.  

My struggle has always been with “big” thighs and hips, but now I had “muffin top” spilling over my jeans.  Sorry for the visual; just trying to let you know how dire the situation had become. 

For the past three weeks or so, I have been working out with Chalene, using her recipes, and listening to her “Extreme Motivation” CD.  

I love this CD because it is like having a really good friend in the room with you whenever you want; telling you how great and capable and deserving you are.     

Between the workouts and the constant motivation and the decreased carbs and wine consumption, (and perhaps most importantly, the support from the SO), I am feeling stronger and happier already.  

I still beat up on myself but not anywhere near as much as Idid only weeks ago.  I am just feeling….better all around. 

If you are a member of Beachbody, please become my online buddy (I blog on their site, as well).  No, I am not a Beachbody coach and no, I am not getting paid to talk about it.  I just like to share what works for me.  

If it works for you as well, then all the better; let’s be good friends and encourage each other, shall we?  XOX